Funkwerk Mobility Plattform

Funkwerk is one of Europe's leading providers of modern passenger information systems for local and long-distance traffic. Offering from system design through implementation and assembly to service and maintenance.

The goal of this project was to conduct user research to identify innovation opportunities and redesign the information architecture of the desktop platform into a new web app.

I worked alongside a product manager, AI researcher, programmer, and a content strategist, creating frameworks and prototypes to share the vision, design principles and content strategy.

My Involvement

  • ux
  • strategy
  • design
View Prototype

After conducting a qualitative and quantitative research, I identified the following design goals:

  • Design a mobility platform with a sense of harmony and simplicity, that allows the user to stay focused in their tasks as well as facilitating their job.
  • Design for practical scalability of future components and updates.
  • Showing data with effortless interaction patterns and visual transitions.
  • Possibility to organise and resize the elements of interest in an adaptive grid. Limiting the resizing of components as soon as it make sense to do so.
  • Possibility to save and share multiple layout configurations to facilitate collaboration with the team.
  • Promote learning by doing, identifying if the users have not yet discovered a new feature that could be relevant for her job.
  • AI helping minimising uncertainties, while interacting with the user with setting expectations and offering suggestions. Learning from accurate predictions and from user behaviour.
  • AI helping users adopt more efficient methods to do their tasks.
  • Color profiles in dark and light mode, while choosing dark mode we may help reducing eye strain.
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